- conducted diplomacy
- провел дипломатию
English-Russian military dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian military dictionary. 2014.
Diplomacy in the American Revolutionary War — Diplomacy in the Revolutionary War had an important impact on the Revolution, as the United States evolved an independent foreign policy. See also: Timeline of United States diplomatic history Contents 1 Colonial Diplomacy 2 Conciliatory… … Wikipedia
diplomacy — /di ploh meuh see/, n. 1. the conduct by government officials of negotiations and other relations between nations. 2. the art or science of conducting such negotiations. 3. skill in managing negotiations, handling people, etc., so that there is… … Universalium
Diplomacy — For the textual analysis of historic documents, see Diplomatics. For other uses, see Diplomacy (disambiguation). The United Nations, with its headquarters in New York City, is the largest international diplomatic organization. Diplomacy (from… … Wikipedia
Cultural diplomacy — The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy conference: „International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2009“ Cultural diplomacy (the science of diplomacy between cultures) has existed as a practice for centuries. Explorers, travelers, teachers and… … Wikipedia
Multi-track diplomacy — The term multi track diplomacy is based on the original distinction made by Joseph Montville in 1981 between official, governmental actions to resolve conflicts (track one) and unofficial efforts by non governmental professionals to resolve… … Wikipedia
Shuttle diplomacy — In diplomacy and international relations, shuttle diplomacy is the use of a third party to serve as an intermediary or mediator between two parties who do not talk directly. The third party travels ( shuttles ) between the two primary parties.… … Wikipedia
University of World Economy and Diplomacy — The University of World Economy and Diplomacy is located in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. It was founded in 1992 by the decree of the President Karimov to train future leaders of the country.General Information The University of World… … Wikipedia
shuttle diplomacy — noun international negotiations conducted by a mediator who frequently flies back and forth between the negotiating parties Kissinger s shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East • Hypernyms: ↑diplomacy, ↑diplomatic negotiations * * * noun [noncount] … Useful english dictionary
shuttle diplomacy — ☆ shuttle diplomacy n. diplomacy between hostile countries or groups conducted by a mediator who travels back and forth between the parties involved … English World dictionary
megaphone diplomacy — noun Diplomatic communication which is unsubtle or indirect, as when conducted through media announcements rather than direct approach • • • Main Entry: ↑megaphone … Useful english dictionary
shuttle diplomacy — noun negotiations conducted by a mediator who travels between two or more parties that are reluctant to hold direct discussions … English new terms dictionary